Kentucky Public Service Commission
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Capacity and Energy Control Program
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K.S.T. (Kentucky Sales Tax)
Reserved For Future Use
Rider A.F.S. (Alternate Feed Service Rider)
Rider D.R. (Decommissioning Rider)
Rider D.R.S. (Demand Response Service)
Rider R.P.O. (Renewable Power Option Rider)
Standard Nominal Voltages
Tariff C.S. - I.R.P. (Contract Service - Interruptible Power)
Tariff Cogen-SPP I (Cogeneration and or Small Power Production - 100 kW or Less)
Tariff Cogen-SPP II (Cogeneration and or Small Power Production - Over 100 kW)
Tariff D.S.M.C. (Demand-Side Management Adjustment Clause)
Tariff E.D.R. (Economic Development Rider)
Tariff E.S. (Environmental Surcharge)
Tariff F.A.C. (Fuel Adjustment Clause)
Tariff F.T. (Franchise Tariff)
Tariff F.T.C. (Federal Tax Cut Tariff)
Tariff G.S. (General Service)
Tariff I.G.S. (Industrial General Service)
Tariff K.E.D.S. (Kentucky Economic Development Surcharge)
Tariff K.F.R.F. (Eastern Kentucky Fuel Relief Fund)
Tariff L.G.S. (Large General Service)
Tariff L.G.S. - T.O.D. (Large General Service - Time of Day)
Tariff M.G.S. - T.O.D. (Medium General Service Time-of-Day)
Tariff M.W. (Municipal Waterworks)
Tariff N.M.S. (Net Metering Service)
Tariff N.M.S. II - Net Metering Service II
Tariff N.U.G. (Non-Utility Generator)
Tariff O.L. (Outdoor Lighting)
Tariff P.A. (Pole Attachments)
Tariff P.P.A. (Purchase Power Adjustment)
Tariff R.E.A. (Residential Energy Assistance)
Tariff R.S. (Residential Service)
Tariff R.S. - T.O.D. (Residential Service Time-of-Day)
Tariff R.S. - T.O.D.2 (Experimental Residential Service Time-of-Day 2)
Tariff R.S.-L.M.-T.O.D. (Residential Service Load Management Time-of-Day)
Tariff R.S.D. (Residential Demand-Metered Electric Service)
Tariff S.G.S. - T.O.D. (Small General Service Time-of-Day Service)
Tariff S.L. (Street Lighting)
Tariff S.S.C. (System Sales Clause)
Tariff T.S. (Temporary Service)
Tariff U.D.C. (Underground Cost Differential Cost Schedule)
Tariff V.C.S. (Voluntary Curtailment Service)
Terms and Conditions of Service
U.G.R.T. (Utility Gross Receipts Tax)(School Tax)