Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2022-00402

Case Number:2022-00402
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:1/6/2023

Kentucky Utilities Company , Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
12/7/2023 3:32:49 PM

Order Entered: 1. Joint Intervenors’ petition for rehearing is granted. 2. The income eligibility threshold for LG&E/KU’s Income Qualified Solutions program, formerly known as WeCare, shall be 200 percent or less of the federal poverty level. 3. The remainder of the November 6, 2023 Order, as amended by a November 14, 2023 Order, not in conflict with this Order remain in effect. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

12/1/2023 2:38:39 PM

KU-LGE Response to Jt Intervenors Ptn for Rehearing

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st


KU-LGE Response to Jt Intervenors Petition for Rehearing

11/28/2023 11:23:51 AM

Corrected Petition for Rehearing

Byron L. Gary Joint Intervenors


Corrected Petition for Rehearing of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

11/27/2023 5:29:46 PM

Petition for Rehearing

Byron L. Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Petition for Rehearing of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

11/20/2023 2:31:33 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s December 15, 2022 petition for confidential treatment is granted in part and denied in part. 2. LG&E/KU’s request for confidential treatment for Jones Direct Testimony, Exhibit TAJ-3; Schram Direct Testimony, Exhibit CRS-2, with the exception of the winning bids contained in the RFP responses; and Wilson Direct Testimony, Exhibit SAW-2 is granted. 3. LG&E/KU’s request for confidential treatment for Exhibit SAW-1 to Wilson Direct Testimony is denied as moot. 4. LG&E/KU’s request for confidential treatment for the winning bids contained in the RFP responses in Schram Direct Testimony, Exhibit CRS-2, and Isaacson Direct Testimony, Exhibit LI-6 is denied. 5. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further Order of this Commission.

11/16/2023 4:03:35 PM

20231116_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - August 29, 2023.pdf

11/16/2023 3:51:08 PM

20231116_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents - August 28, 2023.pdf

11/14/2023 8:34:24 AM

Order Entered nunc pro tunc, that: 1. The DSM-EE rates contained in the Appendix to the November 6, 2023 Order shall be stricken and replaced with the Appendix attached to this Order. 2. All provisions of the November 6, 2023 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect.

11/6/2023 9:44:06 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s request to retire Mill Creek 1 and Mill Creek 2 is approved, with the retirement of Mill Creek 2 conditioned on LG&E/KU constructing Mill Creek 5. 2. LG&E/KU’s request to retire Haefling 1 and 2, and Paddy’s Run 12 is approved, with the conditions expressed herein. 3. LG&E/KU’s request to retire Ghent 2 and Brown 3 is denied. 4. LG&E/KU’s request for CPCNs to construct Mill Creek 5, Mercer County Solar Facility, and Brown BESS are granted. 5. LG&E/KU’s request for a CPCN to acquire Marion County Solar Facility is granted. 6. LG&E/KU’s request for a CPCN for Brown 12 is denied. 7. LG&E/KU shall obtain approval from the Commission prior to performing any additional construction not expressly authorized by this Order. 8. LG&E/KU shall provide written notice to the Commission one week prior to the actual start of construction of Mill Creek 5. 9. LG&E/KU shall provide written notice to the Commission one week prior to the actual start of construction of Mercer County Solar Facility. 10. LG&E/KU shall provide written notice to the Commission one week prior to the actual start of construction of Brown Bess. 11. LG&E/KU shall file written notice with the Commission of any increase to the cost of construction of Mill Creek 5, Mercer County Solar Facility, or Brown Bess that exceeds five percent of the costs as filed.

11/1/2023 3:43:22 PM

20231101_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents.pdf

10/19/2023 3:47:50 PM

20231019_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents.pdf

10/10/2023 11:54:49 AM

20231010_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents.pdf

10/10/2023 10:18:13 AM

Order Entered: LG&E/KU’s motion for reconsideration of the Commission’s August 31, 2023 Order is denied.

10/5/2023 2:59:07 PM

Properly Redacted Response Brief of KCA and Read 1st Cover Letter Regarding Same

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.


KCA Response Brief - Fully Redacted Public Version - CLEAN


Read 1st Document - Ltr to Executive Director

10/4/2023 7:50:26 PM

Sierra Clubs Reply Brief

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Reply Brief

10/4/2023 5:32:56 PM

Response Brief of KCA and corresponding Motion for Confidential Protection

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.


KCA Response Brief - Redacted


Read 1st Document - Ltr to Executive Director


KCA Petition for Confidential Protection

10/4/2023 4:03:34 PM

Reply Brief of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain

10/4/2023 3:52:54 PM

Reply Brief of Walmart Inc.

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.

10/4/2023 3:05:41 PM

KU-LGE Post-Hearing Reply Brief

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st

10/4/2023 12:23:58 PM

20231004_PSC Notice of Filing Hearing Documents.pdf

10/4/2023 12:07:39 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Reply Brief

Michael L. Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Cover Ltr. - Read 1st

10/4/2023 11:41:30 AM

Response related to the parties’ initial briefs filed on September 19 and 22, 2023

M. Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government


Response related to the parties’ initial briefs


Read1st letter

10/2/2023 6:12:22 PM

Filing of Information in Response to August 31, 2023 Commission Order and Petition for Confidential Protection

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 31

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 32


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP JI DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q19c


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP JI DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q17


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP PSC DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q7


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP PSC DR 1 LGE KU Responses


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP SC DR 1 LGE KU Responses


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP SC PH 1 LGE KU Attach to Q1

10/2/2023 5:58:01 PM

Filing of Information in Response to August 31, 2023 Commission Order and Petition for Confidential Protection

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q40a

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 5

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 1

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 10

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 11

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 12

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 13

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 14

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 15

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 16

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 17

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 18

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 19

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 2

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 20

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 21

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 22

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 23

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 24

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 25

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 26

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 27

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 28

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 29

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 3

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 30

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JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 7

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 8

JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q63 - IRP DR 1 LGE KU Attach to Q3 - Vol 9


Petition for Confidential Protection re Data Filed in Response to Commission's August 31, 2023 Order

9/22/2023 11:56:22 PM

Public Redacted Version Of Post-Hearing Brief of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Public Redacted Version Of Post-Hearing Brief of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Read First)

9/22/2023 11:04:33 PM

Sierra Clubs Post-Hearing Brief

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Post-Hearing Brief

9/22/2023 6:47:15 PM

Initial Brief of the Kentucky Coal Association

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.

9/22/2023 4:02:17 PM

Initial Brief of Walmart Inc.

Carrie Harris Grundmann Walmart Inc.

9/22/2023 4:00:59 PM

Initial Brief of Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)

Michael L. Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

9/22/2023 3:59:55 PM

OAGs Post-Hearing Brief and Exhibits

Lawrence Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General


Read 1st


OAG Post-Hearing Brief and Exhibits

9/22/2023 3:25:58 PM

KU-LGE Jt Mtn for Reconsideration of the Order of August 31, 2023

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st

9/22/2023 3:12:59 PM

KU-LGE Post-Hearing Brief and Jt Ptn for Confidential Protection

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st


KU-LGE Ptn for Confidential Protection



9/22/2023 2:49:19 PM

Post-Hearing Brief

M Todd Osterloh LFUCG and Louisville Metro

9/19/2023 9:39:48 AM

Post-Hearing Brief

Dennis G. Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County


Mercer County Fiscal Court's Post- Hearing Brief


Read First Mercer County Post- Hearing Brief

9/15/2023 4:31:37 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Post Hearing Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KCA DRPH

9/15/2023 4:28:28 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Sierra Club’s Post Hearing Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to SC DRPH


SC DRPH LGE KU Attach to Q1a and b


SC DRPH LGE KU Attach to Q1c

9/15/2023 4:23:20 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Post Hearing Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DRPH

9/15/2023 4:19:42 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc. Post Hearing Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KIUC DRPH

9/15/2023 4:14:57 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Post Hearing Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DRPH


PSC DRPH LGE KU Attach to Q3

9/15/2023 3:58:24 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Joint Petition for Confidential Protection

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection

9/8/2023 12:48:59 PM

KU-LGE Second Supplemental Errata Filing

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st 9-8-2023


KU-LGE Second Supplemental Errata Filing 9-8-2023

9/1/2023 5:56:40 PM

Post-Hearing Data Requests

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Post-Hearing Data Requests of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities Company

9/1/2023 4:36:42 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Post-Hearing Data Requests to LGE/KU

Michael L. Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


KIUC's Post-Hearing Data Requests to KU/LG&E


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

9/1/2023 4:16:11 PM

KU-LGE Motion to Take Administrative Notice of LGE-KU Hearing Exhibit 1: ERCOT-MISO-PJM-SPP Joint Comments to EPA re Proposed GHG Rules under Clean Air Act Sections 111(b) and (d)

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LG&E Motion to Take Administrative Notice 9-1-2023


KU-LGE Read1st 9-1-2023


LG&E-KU Hearing Exhibit 1: ERCOT-MISO-PJM-SPP Joint Comments to EPA re Proposed GHG Rules under Clean Air Act Sections 111(b) and (d)

9/1/2023 3:42:41 PM

KCAs Post-Hearing Data Requests to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas Electric Company

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association


Post-Hearing Data Requests to Companies

9/1/2023 2:54:07 PM

Sierra Clubs Post-Hearing Data Requests

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Post-Hearing Data Requests

9/1/2023 1:59:43 PM

Notice of Corrected Testimony Filing

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, Mountain Association, and Metropolitan Housin


Corrected Testimony of Anna Sommer, public redacted clean version


Corrected Testimony of Anna Sommer, public redacted redline-strikethrough version

9/1/2023 1:20:18 PM

Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association’s Notice of Filing Document

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


"Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category—Initial Notification Date Extension"

9/1/2023 1:11:44 PM

Data Request

8/31/2023 2:02:07 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s March 1, 2023 petition for confidential treatment is denied. 2. LG&E/KU’s March 10, 2023 petition for confidential treatment is granted in part and denied in part. Confidential treatment is granted for all material designated in this petition except for information relating to solar PPAs and LG&E/KU’s responses to Sierra Club’s First Request, Item 12(a) and Joint Intervenor’s First Request, Item 40(a), for which confidential treatment is denied. 3. LG&E/KU’s April 14, 2023 petition for confidential treatment pertaining to Staff’s First Request is granted. 4. LG&E/KU’s April 14, 2023 petition for confidential treatment pertaining to Joint Intervenors’ First Request is granted. 5. LG&E/KU’s May 4, 2023 petition for confidential treatment is granted in part and denied in part. Confidential treatment is granted for all material designated in this petition except for information relating to solar PPAs and LG&E/KU’s responses to KCA’s Second Request, Item 19 and Joint Intervenor’s Second Request, Item 63, for which confidential treatment is denied.

8/30/2023 4:04:53 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s motion to deviate from 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b)(2), is granted. 2. LG&E/KU’s motion for leave to file the stipulation is granted. 3. Mercer County Fiscal Court’s motion to excuse Judge Steele is granted. 4. The Commission takes administrative notice of August 28, 2023 filing by Sierra Club of EPA’s Memorandum to the Steam Electric Rulemaking Record, EPA-HQ- OW-2009-0819. 5. Post-hearing requests for information, if any, shall be filed on or before September 1, 2023. 6. Responses to post-hearing requests for information shall be filed on or before September 15, 2023. 7. The evidentiary record of this case is closed as of September 15, 2023. 8. All parties that choose to do so may file a memorandum brief in support of their respective post-hearing positions on or before September 22, 2023. 9. All parties that choose to do so may file a reply brief, responding to issues raised in other parties’ respective briefs, on or before October 4, 2023. 10. This case shall stand submitted for a decision by the Commission effective 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on October 5, 2023.

8/29/2023 3:04:23 PM

Supplemental Errata Filing regarding the testimony of Jim Grevatt filed on July 14, 2023

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Supplemental Errata, clean version


Supplemental Errata, redline version

8/29/2023 8:35:33 AM

20230829_PSC Letter Filing Document into the Record.pdf

8/28/2023 3:57:50 PM

Sierra Clubs Notice of Filing Request for Administrative Notice

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Notice of Filing Request for Administrative Notice

8/28/2023 11:12:02 AM

Order Entered: Walmart’s motion for Ms. Grundmann to participate virtually in the hearing the morning of August 28, 2023, is granted.

8/28/2023 11:00:56 AM

Order Entered: Joint Intervenors’ motion is granted.

8/25/2023 4:33:13 PM

Sierra Clubs Notice of Errata Sheet to Correct Andrew Levitt’s Testimony

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Errata Sheet signed by Andrew Levitt


Sierra Club's Notice of Errata Sheet to Correct Andrew Levitt’s Testimony

8/25/2023 12:48:32 PM

Walmart Inc.s Motion to Allow Counsel to Participate Virtually at the August 28, 2023, Hearing

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.


Walmart Inc.'s Motion to Allow Counsel to Participate Virtually at the August 28, 2023, Hearing

8/25/2023 12:05:14 PM

Joint Intervenors’ Motion For Leave To Allow Counsel Cassandra McCrae To Participate Virtually

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


(Joint Intervenors’ Motion For Leave To Allow Counsel Cassandra McCrae To Participate Virtually)


(Read First)

8/18/2023 5:18:03 PM

LGE-KU Supplemental Errata Filing 8-18-2023

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LG&E Supplemental Errata Filing 8-18-2023

8/18/2023 4:28:36 PM

KU-LGE Jt Mtn for Approval to Deviate From Rule and Notarized Affidavit

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Mtn to Deviate From Rule re hearing notice publication


KU-LGE Read1st


KY Press Affidavit and Proof

8/18/2023 2:05:23 PM

Order Entered: Kathryn Huddleston, Joshua Smith and Tony Mendoza are admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Sierra Club in association with Joe Childers in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Joe Childers or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association acts as co-counsel and is present at all proceedings before this Commission.

8/17/2023 2:50:14 PM

Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.

8/17/2023 2:20:05 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s motion for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. LG&E/KU shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

8/17/2023 11:57:54 AM

20230817_PSC_Letter Filing Document into the Record.pdf

8/17/2023 11:50:17 AM

20230817_PSC Letter Filing Document into the Record.pdf

8/16/2023 8:57:51 PM

Errata Filing

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


LGE-KU Errata Filing 8-16-2023


LGE-KU Read1st re Errata Filing 8-16-2023

8/16/2023 3:52:18 PM

20230816_PSC Letter Filing IC Memo into the Record.pdf

8/16/2023 3:41:40 PM

Order Entered: 1. Parties introducing exhibits at the hearing in this matter must prepare sufficient copies of each exhibit to furnish a copy for the record and a copy for the witness, each party, Commission Staff, and each Commissioner. 2. Parties may choose to provide copies of and present exhibits electronically if they provide digital copies of all such exhibits not already in the record via email to counsel for each party, if requested, and Commission Staff, prior to presenting the exhibit, and they display the exhibit on the screens in the hearing room through the screen sharing application used by the Commission. 3. Commission Staff shall contact counsel for the parties to provide details regarding the use of the Commission’s screen sharing application and electronic mailing addresses for the receipt of electronic exhibits. 4. Nothing in this Order shall be construed as preventing the Commission from issuing further Orders, whether in writing or during the hearing, regarding the introduction of exhibits.

8/15/2023 4:17:09 PM

SKO letter advising of address change

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


SKO letter advising of address change eff 9-4-2023

8/15/2023 11:28:13 AM

KU-LGE and Mercer Co Fiscal Ct Stipulation and Recommendation

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st

8/14/2023 9:14:58 AM

20230814_PSC Letter Filing August 03, 2023 Public Comments Sign In Sheets into the Record.pdf

8/14/2023 9:13:12 AM

20230814_PSC Letter Filing July 31, 2023 Public Comments Sign In Sheets into the Record.pdf

8/10/2023 7:27:45 PM

Sierra Clubs Motion to Admit Tony Mendoza Pro Hac Vice

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Motion to Admit Tony Mendoza Pro Hac Vice

8/10/2023 7:24:43 PM

Sierra Clubs Motion to Admit Joshua Smith Pro Hac Vice

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Motion to Admit Joshua Smith Pro Hac Vice

8/10/2023 7:21:17 PM

Sierra Clubs Motion to Admit Kate Huddleston Pro Hac Vice

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Motion to Admit Kate Huddleston Pro Hac Vice

8/9/2023 10:53:29 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 4-5 to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Last Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Responses to KCA DR4-5

8/9/2023 9:35:47 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit Rebuttal Testimony, Exhibits, and Workpapers

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection


John R. Crockett III Rebuttal Testimony


Lonnie E. Bellar Rebuttal Testimony


Philip A. Imber Rebuttal Testimony


David S. Sinclair Rebuttal Testimony


Sinclair Rebuttal Exhibit DSS-6, Volume 1


Sinclair Rebuttal Exhibit DSS-6, Volume 2


Stuart A. Wilson Rebuttal Testimony


Wilson Rebuttal Exhibit SAW-1, Volume 1


Wilson Rebuttal Exhibit SAW-1, Volume 2


Tim A. Jones Rebuttal Testimony


Lana Isaacson Rebuttal Testimony


Robert M. Conroy Rebuttal Testimony

8/4/2023 8:46:55 PM

Responses of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Joint Data Requests of Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas And Electric Company

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain

8/4/2023 7:04:45 PM

Responses of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Commission Staff’s First Requests for Information

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Responses of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Commission Staff’s First Requests For Information


01_PSC_DR_1_JI_R_Attach to Q-1.1_Energy Efficiency Participation in Electricity Capacity Markets – The US Experience


02_PSC_DR_1_JI_R_Attach to Q-1.2_Keeping the Lights On- Energy Efficiency and Electric System Reliability

8/4/2023 6:15:33 PM

Responses of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Kentucky Coal Association’s First Requests For Information

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Responses of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckian s For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Kentucky Coal Association’s First Requests For Information

8/4/2023 5:34:00 PM

Sierra Clubs Response to Requests for Information from LGE/KU

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Response to Requests for Information from LG&E/KU

8/4/2023 5:15:33 PM

Sierra Clubs Response to Requests for Information from Commission Staff

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Response to Requests for Information from Commission Staff

8/4/2023 5:10:19 PM

Sierra Clubs Response to Requests for Information from Kentucky Coal Association

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Response to Requests for Information from Kentucky Coal Association

8/4/2023 4:42:08 PM

KCA Response to Joint Data Requests of Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Dated July 28, 2023

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.


Exhibit ESM 11


Exhibit ESM 12


Exhibit ESM 2 and 3


Exhibit ESM 8


Exhibit ESM 5, 6, 9 and 10

8/4/2023 1:55:54 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Sixth Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR6

8/4/2023 12:12:56 PM


Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)








Cover Ltr - Read 1st

8/4/2023 10:09:37 AM

Response to Requests to Information to KCA

Dennis G. Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County


Mercer Response to KCA Requests

7/28/2023 3:02:15 PM

Data requests of KCA to Joint Intervenors, Sierra Club, Mercer County Fiscal Court and KIUC

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association


Data Requests to Joint Intervenors


Data Requests to Mercer County Fiscal Court

7/28/2023 2:50:33 PM

LGE-KU 1st Data Request to Jt Intervenors

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

7/28/2023 2:48:14 PM

LGE-KU 1st Data Request to KY Coal Assoc.

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


LGE-KU 1st Data Request to Ky Coal Assoc.

7/28/2023 2:46:03 PM

LGE-KU 1st Data Request to Sierra Club

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

7/28/2023 2:43:45 PM

LGE-KU 1st Data Request to KIUC

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

7/27/2023 3:07:35 PM

Data Request

7/27/2023 3:06:17 PM

Data Request

7/27/2023 2:58:32 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Joint Intervenors motion to file corrected witness testimony for Andy McDonald is granted. 2. The testimony of Mr. McDonald filed on July 14, 2023 is stricken and replaced with the corrected testimony of Mr. McDonald filed on July 24, 2023.

7/27/2023 2:56:47 PM

Data Request

7/27/2023 2:55:41 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Joint Intervenors motion for Anna Sommer to participate virtually in the August 22–25, 2023 hearing is granted. 2. Commission Staff shall contact Joint Intervenors with instructions for conducting a test of technology and participating remotely in the hearing.

7/24/2023 10:09:34 PM

Motion for Leave To File Tendered Corrected Testimony of Andy McDonald on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association. Tendered Corrected Testimon

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Tendered Corrected Testimony of Andy McDonald on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Motion for Leave To File Tendered Corrected Testimony of Andy McDonald on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Read First)

7/24/2023 3:45:06 PM

20230724_PSC Letter Filing Notice of Press Release.pdf

7/24/2023 3:35:14 PM

Data Request

7/14/2023 11:16:25 PM

Public Version of Testimony of Anna Sommer on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Read First)


(Public Version Of Testimony of Anna Sommer on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)

7/14/2023 10:13:25 PM

Testimony of Andy McDonald on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Testimony of Andy McDonald on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Read First)

7/14/2023 9:00:33 PM

Joint Intervenors Petition For Confidential Protection

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Joint Intervenors' Motion for Confidential Protection with respect to Witness Sommer Testimony)


(Read First)

7/14/2023 7:17:28 PM

Testimony of John Wilson on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association, plus one attachment.

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Testimony of John Wilson on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Read First)

7/14/2023 7:11:04 PM

Direct Testimony of Michael Goggin

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Exhibits 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9

7/14/2023 6:58:47 PM

Direct Testimony of Andrew Levitt

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club

7/14/2023 6:05:55 PM

Direct Testimony of Emily S. Medine

Matthew R. Malone Kentucky Coal Association


Direct Testimony of Emily Medine


ESM-2 - Motion for Stay


Petition for Confidential Protection


ESM-3 - Stay


Workpapers Designation - To be supplemented via email

7/14/2023 5:27:33 PM

Testimony of Jim Grevatt, on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association, with Read First Letter.

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Grevatt Testimony Exhibit 1)


(Testimony of Jim Grevatt, on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)


(Read First)

7/14/2023 5:21:26 PM

Read First Letter to Accompany Grevatt Testimony, Workpapers, And Exhibits.

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Read First Letter To Accompany Grevatt Testimony, Exhibits, And Workpapers)

7/14/2023 5:17:31 PM

Testimony of Jim Grevatt on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association. Also, exhibits and workpapers.

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Grevatt Testimony Exhibit 1)


(Testimony of Jim Grevatt, on behalf of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association)

7/14/2023 4:22:32 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Lane Kollen

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

7/14/2023 3:00:51 PM

Mercer County Fiscal Court Testimony

Dennis G. Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County

7/14/2023 12:49:29 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s motion for an IC is granted. 2. An IC is scheduled on August 15, 2023, at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time at the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 3. Commission Staff will contact participants by electronic mail to provide details for joining the conference by video link.

7/11/2023 1:09:37 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company file Hearing Notice request submitted to KY Press

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Hearing Notice Request to KY Press

7/7/2023 1:52:44 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Last Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KCA DR4

7/7/2023 1:49:40 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Fourth Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DR4

7/7/2023 1:42:58 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Third Set of Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to MCFC DR4

7/7/2023 1:39:14 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Joint Fourth Data Requests of Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc.

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to AG-KIUC DR4

7/7/2023 1:35:49 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Fifth Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR5


PSC DR5 LGE KU Attach to Q9a - Attach 1

7/7/2023 1:25:55 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Joint Petition for Confidential Protection

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection

7/6/2023 9:53:21 AM

Motion for Leave to Allow Witness Anna Sommer to Testify Virtually

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Joint Intervenors’ Motion for Leave to Allow Witness Anna Sommer to Testify Virtually

6/30/2023 3:30:22 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 20(c) to the Attorney General’s Supplemental Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to AG DR2-20(c)

6/30/2023 2:24:01 PM

KU-LGE Mtn for Informal Conference

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Read1st

6/30/2023 11:50:37 AM

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

6/29/2023 1:24:11 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 51(b) to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to KCA DR2 - Q51b

6/27/2023 7:30:31 PM

Fourth Data Request of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain

6/27/2023 5:27:20 PM

Mercer County Fiscal Courts Third Supplemental Requests for Information to the Companies

Dennis G. Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County


Mercer Fiscal Court Third Supplement Requests for Information

6/27/2023 2:36:51 PM

Last Supplemental Data Requests to Companies

Matthew Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.

6/27/2023 2:05:28 PM

Data Request

6/27/2023 11:43:05 AM

OAG-KIUC Joint 4th Data Requests

Lawrence Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General

6/22/2023 2:19:32 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company files amendments to two of the solar power purchase agreements as mentioned in the application and PPAs filed by the Companies on March 1, 2023 and refiled on March 15, 2023.

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Amendments to Song Sparrow PPAs

6/9/2023 1:34:54 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Second Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KCA DR3

6/9/2023 1:30:43 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Sierra Club’s Supplemental Requests for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to SC DR3


SC DR3 LGE KU Attach to Q5 - Attach 1


SC DR3 LGE KU Attach to Q5 - Attach 2

6/9/2023 1:26:10 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Third Set of Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DR3

6/9/2023 1:22:43 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Second Set of Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to MCFC DR3

6/9/2023 1:19:55 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government’s Joint Third Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to LFUCG-METRO DR3

6/9/2023 1:16:42 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Joint Third Data Requests of Attorney General and Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc.

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to AG-KIUC DR3

6/9/2023 1:13:19 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Fourth Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR4

6/9/2023 1:04:14 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 3c, 4, and 20 to the Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Responses to MCFC DR2 - Q3c, 4, and 20

6/9/2023 1:04:04 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 58 to the Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to PSC DR2 - Q58

5/31/2023 5:03:45 PM

Supplemental Data Requests Of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain A


(Supplemental Data Requests Of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association - Redacted Version)


(Read First)

5/31/2023 4:48:07 PM

Entry of Appearance of Additional Counsel

Byron Gary Joint Intervenors, Metropolitan Housing Coalition (MHC), Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC), Kentucky Solar Energy Society


Notice of Entry of Appearance

5/31/2023 3:49:18 PM

Third Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh LFUCG and Louisville Metro

5/31/2023 1:25:59 PM

Joint 3rd Data Requests of OAG and KIUC

Lawrence Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General

5/31/2023 11:18:48 AM

Sierra Clubs Second Supplemental Requests for Information to Companies

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Second Supplemental Requests for Information to Companies

5/31/2023 10:24:12 AM

Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Second Set of Supplemental Requests for Information

Dennis G. Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County


Read 1st Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Second Set of Supplemental Requests for Information

5/30/2023 4:59:07 PM

Second Supplemental Data Requests

Matthew Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.

Second Supplemental Data Request to Companies

5/30/2023 12:09:37 PM

Data Request

5/25/2023 9:02:45 AM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Written Statement of Mail Waiver *consolidated from 2023-00122

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Written Statement of Mail Waiver


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

5/24/2023 3:59:09 PM

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/24/2023 3:47:23 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s May 4, 2023 motion to deviate from electronic filing requirements is denied as moot. 2. Joint Intervenors’ May 12, 2023 motion to amend the January 6, 2023 procedural schedule is denied as moot. 3. Sierra Club’s May 16, 2023 motion to amend the January 6, 2023 procedural schedule is denied as moot. 4. Metro Louisville/LFUCG’s May 16, 2023 motion to amend the January 6, 2023 procedural schedule is denied as moot.

5/16/2023 3:52:56 PM

Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule established in the January 6, 2023 Order is stricken and replaced with the amended procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order. 2. All other provisions of the January 6, 2023 Order not in conflict with this Order shall remain in effect. 3. The case style is amended and parties to this proceeding shall use the following case style on each subsequent filing in this case: “ELECTRONIC JOINT APPLICATION OF KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY AND LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND SITE COMPATIBILITY CERTIFICATES AND APPROVAL OF A DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND APPROVAL OF FOSSIL FUEL-FIRED GENERATING UNIT RETIREMENTS.”

5/16/2023 3:35:22 PM

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/16/2023 10:02:26 AM

Response to Motion to Amend the Procedural Schedule

M Todd Osterloh LFUCG and Louisville Metro

5/16/2023 9:52:52 AM

Sierra Clubs Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule

5/15/2023 11:47:08 PM

Notice By Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association Of No Objection To Motion To Consolidate, Incorporate By Reference, And Grant Intervention *consolidated from 2023-00122

Tom FitzGerald Movants For Joint Intervention Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society,


(Notice By Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association Of No Objection To Motion To Consolidate, Incorporate By Reference, And Grant Intervention)


(Read First)

5/15/2023 8:22:27 PM

Joint Motion Of Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association For Full Intervention As Joint Intervenors *consolidated from 2023-00122

Tom FitzGerald Movants For Joint Intervention Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society,


(Joint Motion Of Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association For Full Intervention As Joint Intervenors)


(Read First)

5/15/2023 4:14:02 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Notice of No Objection to Motion *consolidated from 2023-00122

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Notice of No Objection to Motion

5/15/2023 4:07:35 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Motion to Intervene *consolidated from 2023-00122

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Motion to Intervene


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

5/15/2023 3:08:49 PM

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/15/2023 2:24:10 PM

OAGs Notice of No Objection to LGE-KUs Motion to Consolidate *consolidated from 2023-00122

Lawrence Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General


OAG Notice of No Objection to Motion to Consolidate

5/12/2023 11:11:06 PM

Motion of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Amend the Procedural Schedule

Tom FitzGerald Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


(Motion of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association to Amend the Procedural Schedule)


(Read First)

5/11/2023 3:29:39 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 38 to the Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to PSC DR2 - Q38

5/10/2023 2:16:06 PM

OAG Motion to Intervene *consolidated from 2023-00122

Lawrence Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General


OAG Motion to Intervene and Waiver of Service via U.S. Mail

5/10/2023 1:38:37 PM

Pursuant to Senate Bill 4 enacted by the Kentucky General Assembly during its 2023 Regular Session, LGE and KU file a joint application authorizing LGE and KU to retire seven fossil fuel-fired electric generating units. *consolidated from 2023-00122

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


LG&E-KU Cover Letter


LG&E-KU - Lonnie E. Bellar Direct Testimony


LG&E-KU - Stuart A. Wilson Direct Testimony and Exhibits


LG&E-KU - Joint Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E-KU - Motion to Consolidate, Incorporate by Reference, and Grant Intervention

5/5/2023 10:34:39 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Third Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR3

5/4/2023 12:38:21 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to MCFC DR2

5/4/2023 11:56:00 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Walmart Inc.s Supplemental Requests for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to Walmart DR2

5/4/2023 11:52:51 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Sierra Club’s Supplemental Requests for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to SC DR2

5/4/2023 11:42:38 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Supplemental Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DR2


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q51


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q60c - Attach 2


JI DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q60c - Attach 3

5/4/2023 10:46:49 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Coal Association’s Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KCA DR2


KCA DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q11 - Attach 2


KCA DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q19 - Attach 3


KCA DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q27 - Attach 1

5/4/2023 10:38:00 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government’s Joint Supplemental Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to LFUCG-METRO DR2

5/4/2023 10:34:58 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc. Supplemental Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KIUC DR2

5/4/2023 10:30:59 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Attorney General’s Supplemental Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to AG DR2


AG DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q15e

5/4/2023 10:24:35 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR2


PSC DR2 LGE KU Attach to Q3

5/4/2023 10:06:54 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Joint Petition for Confidential Protection and Joint Motion to Deviate

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Motion to Deviate

5/4/2023 9:42:40 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 1.129a to the Joint Intervenors Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to JI DR1 - Q129a

4/24/2023 1:58:00 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 1.41 to the Joint Intervenors Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to JI DR1 - Q41


JI DR1 LGE KU Supplemental Attach to Q41- - Corrected

4/19/2023 4:14:03 PM

20230419_PSC IC Memo.pdf

4/17/2023 4:31:41 PM

KU-LGE Jt Ptn for Conf Protection to Jt Intervenors 1-44

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU-LGE Jt Ptn for Conf Protection to Suppl Response to JI 1-44


KU-LGE Read1st

4/17/2023 12:27:54 PM

Data Request

4/17/2023 11:04:59 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 106 to the Commission Staff’s First Request for Information and a Joint Petition for Confidential Protection

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Joint Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to PSC DR1 - Q106

4/14/2023 5:53:02 PM

Supplemental Data Requests of Joint Intervenors

Ashley Wilmes etropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

4/14/2023 5:22:03 PM

Sierra Clubs Supplemental Requests For Information To Kentucky Utilities Company And Louisville Gas And Electric Company

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Supplemental Requests For Information To Kentucky Utilities Company And Louisville Gas And Electric Company

4/14/2023 3:38:54 PM

Walmart Inc.s Supplemental Requests for Information to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.


Walmart Inc.'s Supplemental Requests for Information to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

4/14/2023 2:44:26 PM

Data Request

4/14/2023 2:30:06 PM

Supplemental Requests for Information

M Todd Osterloh LFUCG and Louisville Metro

4/14/2023 1:19:31 PM

Supplemental Data Requests to the Companies

Matthew Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.

4/14/2023 1:03:20 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Supplemental Data Requests to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas Electric Company

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Supplemental Data Requests to Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas & Electric Company


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

4/14/2023 12:43:10 PM

OAG Supplemental Data Requests

Larry Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General


OAG Supplemental Data Request

4/14/2023 12:03:26 PM

Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Supplemental Requests for Information to the Companies

Dennis G Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County

4/13/2023 3:56:35 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question Nos. 1.41, 1.42, 1.43 and 1.44 to the Joint Intervenors Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to JI DR1 - Q41 - Q44


JI DR1 LGE KU Supplemental Attach to Q41

4/13/2023 9:25:31 AM

Order Entered: 1. Cassandra McCrae is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Joint Intervenors in association with Ashley Wilmes in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Ashley Wilmes or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association acts as co-counsel and is present at all proceedings before this Commission. 2. Gilbert Zelaya is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Joint Intervenors in association with Ashley Wilmes in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Ashley Wilmes or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association acts as co- counsel and is present at all proceedings before this Commission. 3. Thomas Cmar is admitted pro hac vice for the purpose of representing Joint Intervenors in association with Ashley Wilmes in the above-styled proceeding, provided that Ashley Wilmes or another member of the Kentucky Bar Association acts as co-counsel and is present at all proceedings before this Commission.

4/12/2023 12:18:04 PM

Notice of Informal Conference

4/10/2023 2:17:24 PM

20230410_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf *consolidated from 2023-00122


Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Joint Notice of Intent to File an Application for Approval of Fossil Fuel-Fired Generating Unit Retirements Using Electronic Filing Procedures *consolidated from 2023-00122

20230410_Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Notice of Intent and Election*

3/28/2023 11:36:57 AM

20230328_Letter Filing Electronic mail into the Record.pdf

3/28/2023 11:02:08 AM

Order Entered: LG&E/KU’s motion is denied as moot.

3/27/2023 2:26:15 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 28(e) to the Attorney General’s Initial Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to AG DR1-Q28(e)

3/17/2023 1:56:28 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Supplemental Response for Question No. 1.97 to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Initial Req

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Supplemental Response to JI DR1 - Q97

3/15/2023 11:57:46 AM

Re-filing of redacted solar power purchase agreements

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


LGE-KU Read1st


LGE-KU Redacted Solar Purchase Power Agreements

3/14/2023 9:21:25 PM

Motion by Joint Intervenors to Admit Thomas Cmar Pro Hac Vice

Ashley Wilmes Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

3/14/2023 9:17:52 PM

Motion by Joint Intervenors to Admit Gilbert Zelaya Pro Hac Vice

Ashley Wilmes Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association

3/14/2023 9:14:49 PM

Joint Intervenors Motion to Admit Cassandra McCrae Pro Hac Vice

Ashley Wilmes etropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association


Joint Intervenors' Motion to Admit Cassandra McCrae Pro Hac Vice

3/10/2023 11:46:46 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to The Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society and Mountain Association’s Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DR1 - Part 1(1.1-1.82)


LG&E and KU Responses to JI DR1 - Part 2(1.83-1.168)


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q22c(iii)


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q86a-d


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q101a - Attach 1


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q101b-e - Attach 1


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q101f-h - Attach 1


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q101i - Attach 1


JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q164a

JI DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q 36 - Att 1 Table 28.xlsx

exceed 50 MB and were provided to the Commission on the USB drive via deviation

3/10/2023 11:02:41 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Sierra Club’s Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to SC DR1


SC DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q12a - Attach 1


SC DR1 LGE KU Attach to Q12a - Attach 2

3/10/2023 10:57:28 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Mercer County Fiscal Court’s Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to MCFC DR1

3/10/2023 10:50:55 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Kentucky Coal Association’s First Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KCA DR1

3/10/2023 10:41:54 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government’s Joint Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to LFUCG-METRO DR1

3/10/2023 10:38:55 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers, Inc. First Set of Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to KIUC DR1

3/10/2023 10:36:18 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Attorney General’s Initial Data Requests

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to AG DR1

3/10/2023 10:31:21 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Responses to the Commission Staff’s First Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR1

3/10/2023 10:23:23 AM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s Joint Petition for Confidential Protection and Joint Motion to Deviate

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Joint Petition for Confidential Protection


LG&E and KU Joint Motion to Deviate

3/1/2023 7:06:21 PM

Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company submit the solar power purchase agreements

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


Petition for Confidential Protection

2/17/2023 4:47:55 PM

Joint Intervenors Initial Requests for Information to LGE and KU

Ashley Wilmes Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain


Joint Intervenors' Initial Requests for Information to LG&E and KU

2/17/2023 4:37:04 PM

Mercer Initial Requests for information

Dennis G Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County

2/17/2023 3:39:18 PM

Sierra Clubs Initial Requests for Information to LGE and KU

Joe F Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Initial Requests for Information to LG&E and KU

2/17/2023 2:57:47 PM

Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh LFUCG and Louisville Metro

2/17/2023 2:41:18 PM

OAGs Initial Data Requests

Larry Cook Kentucky Office of the Attorney General


OAG's Initial Data Requests

2/17/2023 12:14:25 PM

Data Request

2/17/2023 9:59:14 AM

Initial data requests to the Companies

Matthew R. Malone KCA

2/15/2023 1:52:27 PM

Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company submit a status update on the four solar power purchase agreements noted in the Joint Application

Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU and LG&E Solar PPAs Update

2/15/2023 12:11:10 PM


Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) -




Cover Ltr - Read 1st

2/14/2023 2:29:33 PM

Certification of Electronic Service

M Todd Osterloh Louisville Metro

2/14/2023 2:28:21 PM

Certification of Electronic Service

M Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government

2/14/2023 10:50:09 AM

20230214_PSC Letter Regarding Services of Consultant.pdf

2/13/2023 3:09:47 PM

Walmart Inc.s Written Statement in Response to the Commissions February 8, 2023, Order

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.

2/10/2023 2:17:04 PM

Post Intervention Statement

Matthew Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.

2/9/2023 5:32:11 PM

Sierra Clubs Post Intervention Statemenet



Sierra Club's Post Intervention Statemenet

2/9/2023 2:06:10 PM

Orders Entered: 1. Sierra Club’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. Sierra Club is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Sierra Club shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Sierra Club shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, Sierra Club shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/8/2023 4:09:16 PM

Statement Of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association Regarding Receipt Of Electronic Transmissions

Tom FitzGerald Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association


(Statement of Joint Intervenors Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association Regarding Receipt of Electronic Transmissions)


(Read First)

2/8/2023 2:35:16 PM

Order Entered: 1. Walmart’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. Walmart is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Walmart shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents.4. Walmart shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, Walmart shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/8/2023 9:46:35 AM

Written Statement of Mercer County Fiscal Court

Dennis G Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County


Mercer County Fiscal Court Written Statement

2/7/2023 5:13:37 PM

Order Entered: 1. Joint Intervenors’ motion to intervene is granted. 2. Joint Intervenors are entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Joint Intervenors shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Joint Intervenors shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, Joint Intervenors shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/7/2023 4:09:53 PM

Order Entered: 1. Mercer Fiscal Court’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. Mercer Fiscal Court is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Mercer Fiscal Court shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Mercer Fiscal Court shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of the date of service of this Order, Mercer Fiscal Court shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/7/2023 4:02:05 PM

Order Entered: 1. Louisville Metro’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. Louisville Metro is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Louisville Metro shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Louisville Metro shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, Louisville Metro shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/7/2023 3:55:02 PM

Order Entered: 1. LFUCG’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. LFUCG is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. LFUCG shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. LFUCG shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, LFUCG shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

2/7/2023 3:41:46 PM

Order Entered: 1. KCA’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. KCA is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. KCA shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. KCA shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, KCA shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

1/26/2023 2:15:15 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Written Statement of Mail Waiver

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

1/26/2023 1:30:09 PM

Order Entered: 1. KIUC’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. KIUC is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. KIUC shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. KIUC shall adhere to the procedural schedule set forth in the Commission’s January 6, 2023 Order and as amended by subsequent Orders. 5. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 8(9), within seven days of service of this Order, KIUC shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

1/20/2023 5:40:20 PM

Motion to intervene

Dennis G Howard II

1/20/2023 5:30:31 PM

Motion to Intervene

Dennis G Howard II Fiscal Court of Mercer County

1/20/2023 4:28:45 PM

Read 1st Document and Motion to Intervene

Matthew Malone Kentucky Coal Association, Inc.


Motion to Intervene on behalf of KCA

1/20/2023 10:26:45 AM

Motion to Intervene

Todd Osterloh Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government

1/20/2023 10:24:49 AM

Motion to Intervene

Todd Osterloh Louisville Metro

1/19/2023 6:30:43 PM

Joint Motion Of Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association For Full Intervention As Joint Intervenors

Tom FitzGerald Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association


(Joint Motion Of Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Solar Energy Society, and Mountain Association For Full Intervention As Joint Intervenors)


(Read First)

1/19/2023 3:41:58 PM

Sierra Clubs Motion to Intervene

Joe F. Childers Sierra Club


Sierra Club's Motion to Intervene

1/18/2023 3:49:31 PM

Motion to Intervene of Walmart Inc.

Carrie H. Grundmann Walmart Inc.

1/6/2023 2:29:07 PM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s application is deemed filed as of the date of entry of this Order, January 6, 2022. 2. The December 22, 2022 Order is amended to the limited extent that the Commission grants the deviation from electronic filing requirements only for LG&E/KU to provide access to the Exhibits to other parties to this case through the third-party site. 3. To the extent the proposed PPAs require Commission approval under KRS 278.300, the Commission’s review of the proposed PPAs is continued beyond the 60-day period specified in KRS 278.300(2). 4. LG&E/KU’s proposed DSM rates are suspended for five months, up to and including July 5, 2023. 5. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. 6. Any party filing a paper with the Commission shall file an electronic copy in accordance with the electronic filing procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. Electronic documents shall be in portable document format (PDF), shall be searchable, and shall be appropriately bookmarked. The Commission directs the parties to the Commission’s July 22, 2021 Order in Case No. 2020-00085² regarding filings with the Commission.

12/27/2022 9:34:59 AM

Joint Motion for Approval to Deviate from Rule

Kendrick R. Riggs of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

12/22/2022 7:27:51 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 9

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 39 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 40 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 41 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 42 of 42


KU-LG&E Readt1st 12-22-2022

12/22/2022 7:20:45 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 8

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 35 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 36 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 37 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 5 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 31 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 32 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 33 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 34 of 42

12/22/2022 7:01:05 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 6

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 27 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 28 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 29 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 30 of 42

< Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 11 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 12 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 22 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 23 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 24 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 25 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 26 of 42

12/22/2022 6:38:26 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 4

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 16 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 17 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 18 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 19 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 20 of 42

12/22/2022 6:28:19 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 3

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 11 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 12 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 13 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 14 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 15 of 42

12/22/2022 6:16:01 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 2

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 10 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 8 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers for Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 9 of 42

12/22/2022 5:34:14 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Part 1

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 1 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 2 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 3 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 4 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 5 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 6 of 42

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Tim Jones (Exhibit TAJ-3) Volume 7 of 42


non-confidential files contained in Exhibit TAJ-3 that exceed 50 MB and were provided to the Commission on the USB drive

12/22/2022 5:16:00 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Part 2

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 10 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 11of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 12 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 13 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 8 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 9 of 13

12/22/2022 4:59:13 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Part 1

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 1 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 2 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 3 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 4 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 5 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 6 of 13

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Stuart Wilson (Exhibit SAW-2) Volume 7 of 13

12/22/2022 4:43:22 PM

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Lana Isaacson (Exhibit LI-6)

W. Duncan Crosby III of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Uploadable Public Workpapers of Lana Isaacson (Exhibit LI-6) Volume 1 of 1


non-confidential files contained in Exhibit LI-6 that exceed 50 MB and were provided to the Commission on the USB drive

12/22/2022 8:44:30 AM

Order Entered: 1. LG&E/KU’s motion to deviate from filing requirements is denied. 2. LG&E/KU’s application is rejected for filing due to filing deficiencies set forth in the body of this Order.

12/21/2022 2:18:39 PM

Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC) Motion to Intervene

Michael L Kurtz Kentucky Industrial Utility Customers (KIUC)


Cover Ltr - Read 1st

12/15/2022 1:42:06 PM

Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company submit a Joint Application for approval of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Site Compatibility Certificates, and Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Program Plan.

Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company


KU and LG&E Filing Cover Letter


KU and LG&E Joint Petition for Confidential Protection


KU and LG&E Joint Motion to Deviate


KU and LG&E Joint Application


Direct Testimony - John R. Crockett, III


Direct Testimony - Lonnie E. Bellar


Direct Testimony - Robert M. Conroy


Direct Testimony - Philip A. Imber


Direct Testimony - David S. Sinclair


Direct Testimony - Charles R. Schram


Direct Testimony - Stuart A. Wilson


Direct Testimony - Tim A. Jones


Direct Testimony - John Bevington


Direct Testimony - Lana Isaacson

11/30/2022 9:01:54 AM

Order Entered: 1. The Attorney General’s motion to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General is entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission’s Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission’s regulations, 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8(9), within seven days of the date of service of this Order, the Attorney General shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it, or its agent, possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding shall be served.

11/21/2022 2:45:55 PM





11/18/2022 3:54:18 PM

20221118_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Notice of Intent to File a Joint Application for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity and Approval of a Demand Side Management Plan Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20221118_Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Kentucky Utilities Company and Louisville Gas and Electric Company Notice of Intent and Election