View Case Filings for: 2022-00301
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:9/13/2022
Category:Monitoring Compliance
Big Sandy Water District
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
2/12/2025 9:50:25 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
1/27/2025 11:07:15 AM
Motion for Authorization for the Use of Surcharge Proceeds Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
1/14/2025 9:38:54 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
12/11/2024 2:32:41 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
11/14/2024 11:41:50 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
10/15/2024 1:58:20 PM
Response to PSC Staff Third Request for Information Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
10/15/2024 9:50:59 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
10/7/2024 2:25:08 PM
Data Request |
9/13/2024 2:48:31 PM
Progress_and_Expenditures_of_Surcharge Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
9/12/2024 11:35:37 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
8/15/2024 2:02:07 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
7/15/2024 9:43:16 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
6/14/2024 1:35:45 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
5/15/2024 8:51:15 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
4/11/2024 11:14:42 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
3/15/2024 2:09:43 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
2/15/2024 3:28:20 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
1/15/2024 12:47:57 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
1/5/2024 7:13:55 PM
Response to PSC Staff Second Request for Information Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
12/21/2023 3:46:48 PM
Data Request |
12/20/2023 9:21:41 AM
Letter Regarding the Purchase of Metering Equipment Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
12/15/2023 5:32:42 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
11/14/2023 11:41:46 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
10/10/2023 10:25:10 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
9/14/2023 2:20:24 PM
Progress and Expenditures of the Water Loss Detection and Repair Program James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
9/12/2023 11:13:27 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
8/25/2023 12:06:23 PM
Response to First PSC Staff Request for Information Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
8/24/2023 8:04:11 AM
Data Request |
8/15/2023 11:13:20 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
7/13/2023 11:03:25 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
6/9/2023 2:06:17 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report Jessica Sexton Big Sandy Water District |
5/30/2023 12:16:11 PM
Order Entered: 1. Big Sandy District is granted authority to use surcharge proceeds to purchase 1,000 new meters, a listening device and leak logging devices, and a truck for use in water loss detection efforts. 2. Big Sandy District is granted authority to use surcharge proceeds to fund one full-time employee to work exclusively on leak detection and repair. 3. Big Sandy District’s request to use $81,665 to replenish its reserve fund is denied. 4. Big Sandy Districts request to use surcharge proceeds to renovate or construct a meter building is denied. 5. Big Sandy District’s request to purchase a meter testing bench, ten pumps and a generator using surcharge proceeds is denied. 6. Big Sandy District shall file into the record of this proceeding requests to use surcharge funds to cover the costs of materials and outside labor used to repair leaks in its system. 7. Big Sandy District shall include in its monthly activity reports filed into the record of this proceeding documentation of the final costs of the items approved for purchase in this Order. |
5/11/2023 9:43:33 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
4/14/2023 8:59:12 AM
Order Entered: 1. Big Sandy District is authorized to use surcharge proceeds as outlined in its motion. 2. Big Sandy District shall capitalize the costs associated with this infrastructure replacement so that it can be appropriately depreciated. 3. Big Sandy District shall file copies of any correspondence regarding the Cleaner Water Program grant funds discussed in Big Sandy District’s motion into the post case correspondence record of this proceeding within seven days of such correspondence. 4. The monthly activity report filed in the month following Big Sandy District’s receipt of the Cleaner Water grant funds shall include documentation of the amount of funds received and a record of a deposit reflecting that those funds were deposited into the surcharge account. |
4/12/2023 2:54:35 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
3/13/2023 3:01:23 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
2/14/2023 11:58:10 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
2/10/2023 2:46:57 PM
Motion for Authorization to Use Surcharge Proceeds Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
2/10/2023 2:06:20 PM
Motion to Amend Infrastructure Improvement Plan Gerald E. Wuetcher Big Sandy Water District |
1/14/2023 9:20:27 AM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
12/16/2022 2:53:19 PM
Big Sandy Water District Infrastructure Improvement Plan James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
12/12/2022 4:42:30 PM
Continuation of monthly surcharge summary James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
12/12/2022 4:34:20 PM
Monthly Surcharge Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
11/15/2022 11:48:44 AM
October_2022_Surcharge_Report_Water_Loss_Report James Blanton Big Sandy Water District |
9/13/2022 2:09:09 PM
Order Entered: 1. This case is opened to monitor Big Sandy District’s unaccountable-for water loss surcharge proceeds collection and expenses. 2. The record of Case No. 2022-00044 is incorporated by reference in Case No. 2022-00301. 3. Within 120 days of the date of this Order, Big Sandy District shall file with the Commission a qualified infrastructure improvement plan, including a comprehensive unaccounted-for water loss reduction plan that establishes priorities and a time schedule for eliminating each source of unaccounted-for water loss and provides a detailed spending plan for the proceeds of a surcharge. 4. Big Sandy District shall deposit surcharge collections in a separate interest bearing account. 5. On the 15th. day of each month for 60 months from the date of this Order or until all surcharge proceeds are expended, Big Sandy District shall file with the Commission a monthly activity report that includes a statement of monthly surcharge billings and collections; a monthly surcharge bank statement; a list of each payment from the account, its payee, and a description of the purpose; and invoices supporting each payment. |