View Post Case Referenced Correspondence for: 2020-00350
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:11/25/2020
Louisville Gas and Electric Company
Electronic Case
Case Nature:
Post Case Referenced Correspondence | |
Filing | Documents |
1/30/2025 9:36:07 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the fourteenth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/30/2024 8:17:11 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the thirteenth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/18/2024 2:28:11 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s 2024 RTO Membership Study Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2024 11:09:21 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the third annual report updating the status of quantitative benefits of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2024 11:02:42 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the twelfth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2024 10:57:26 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company submits the third annual report that sets forth how the Big Rivers Electric Corporation Settlement funds were used pursuant to Ordering Paragraph No. 26 of the Commission’s June 30, 2021 Order in this proceeding. Rick E. Lovekamp |
4/30/2024 10:06:36 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the eleventh quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
4/18/2024 9:04:13 AM
Notice of Withdrawal and Request to Update Remaining Counsels Contact Information Emily W. Medlyn |
1/31/2024 9:43:49 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the tenth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/31/2023 9:26:48 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s 2023 RTO Membership Study Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/31/2023 9:20:20 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the ninth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2023 10:40:29 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company submits the second annual report that sets forth how the Big Rivers Electric Corporation Settlement funds were used pursuant to Ordering Paragraph No. 26 of the Commission’s June 30, 2021 Order in this proceeding. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2023 10:35:57 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the second annual report updating the status of quantitative benefits of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/31/2023 10:27:13 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the eighth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
6/30/2023 9:09:50 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the Green Button Connect certification. Rick E. Lovekamp |
4/28/2023 8:11:03 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the seventh quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
1/31/2023 10:15:33 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the sixth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Cover Letter |
11/14/2022 3:52:34 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s 2022 RTO Membership Study and a Petition for Confidential Protection Rick E. Lovekamp |
12/30/2022 8:23:40 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the sixth and final quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market Rick E. Lovekamp |
11/14/2022 3:52:34 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s and Kentucky Utilities Company’s 2022 RTO Membership Study and a Petition for Confidential Protection Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/31/2022 10:36:13 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company fifth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
10/28/2022 2:44:28 PM
Louisville Gas Electric Company motion for time extension to file RTO Membership Study. Michael E. Hornung |
9/30/2022 10:10:48 AM
In response to Ordering Paragraph No. 18 of the Commission’s Orders of June 30, 2021, in the above-captioned proceedings, please find Louisville Gas and Electric Company (“LGE”) fifth quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Michael E. Hornung |
8/19/2022 8:19:39 AM
Economic Relief Surcredit True-up Support Andrea M. Fackler |
7/29/2022 8:30:21 AM
KU and LGE first annual report updating the status of quantitative benefits of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/29/2022 8:23:20 AM
KU and LGE fourth quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
7/29/2022 8:16:22 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company submits the first annual report that sets forth how the Big Rivers Electric Corporation Settlement funds were used pursuant to Ordering Paragraph No. 26 of the Commission’s June 30, 2021 Order in this proceeding. Rick E. Lovekamp |
6/30/2022 8:36:00 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the fourth quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market Rick E. Lovekamp |
6/17/2022 10:35:19 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit a Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Study in response to Ordering Paragraph No. 20 in the Commissions Order dated June 30, 2021 in this proceeding Rick E. Lovekamp |
4/29/2022 10:28:11 AM
KU and LGE third quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. Rick E. Lovekamp |
3/31/2022 9:54:15 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the third quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market Rick E. Lovekamp |
3/25/2022 2:37:38 PM
20220325_PSC Response E-mail to Michele Craig.pdf |
2/7/2022 11:34:19 AM
In response to Ordering Paragraph No. 3 of the Commission’s Orders of December 14, 2021, Kentucky Utilities Company’s and Louisville Gas and Electric Company’s on January 27, 2022 published the joint account holder notice on the Companies’ website and incl Rick E. Lovekamp |
1/31/2022 9:21:18 AM
Kentucky Utilities Company (“KU”) and Louisville Gas and Electric Company (“LGE”) (jointly the “Companies”) quarterly report updating the status of implementation and deployment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project. This will serve as the secon Michael E. Hornung |
12/30/2021 7:52:36 AM
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company submit the second quarterly report updating the status on the formation of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market Andrea M. Fackler |
12/23/2021 11:14:55 AM
Joint Notice of Filing Unredacted Documents Lindsey Ingram |
12/23/2021 10:32:25 AM
Joint Notice Re Confidentiality Lindsey Ingram |
12/22/2021 8:45:12 AM
LGE and KU provide a response to Ordering Paragraph Nos. 9 and 10 from the September 24, 2021 Order. Rick E. Lovekamp |