Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2020-00040

Case Number:2020-00040
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:3/27/2020
Category:Merchant Plant Applications

Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

'spnRcvdDt'> 2/27/2020 10:54:47 AM

20200227_Letter Filing Chairman Schmitt Letter to Governor Beshear into the Record.pdf

Case Filings
9/6/2022 3:48:16 PM

Order Entered: the case is closed and removed from the Siting Board’s Docket.

1/18/2022 12:45:24 PM

Notice of Filing - Final Development Plan

M Todd Osterloh SR Turkey Creek, LLC

7/22/2021 4:51:21 PM

Order Entered: 1. Turkey Creek’s motion and notice of withdrawal filed on June 11, 2021, is granted with the exception as noted below with respect to ordering paragraph 2 of the Siting Board’s Final Order. 2. The eighth mitigation measure in the Siting Board’s Final Order of September 23, 2020, is hereby replaced with the following mitigation measure: 8. If the pile driving activity occurs within 1,500 feet of a noise sensitive receptor, Turkey Creek should implement a construction method that will suppress the noise generated during the pile driving process (i.e., semi-tractor and canvas method; sound blankets on fencing surrounding the solar site; or any other comparable method). 3. The second ordering paragraph on page 40 of the Siting Board’s Final Order of September 23, 2020, is hereby replaced with the following ordering paragraph: 2. Turkey Creek's motion for deviation from the 2,000 feet setback requirement is granted. All solar infrastructure shall be at least 200 feet from the project’s external property boundaries and 300 feet from any neighborhood, with the exception that central inverters be located at least 450 feet from any residence. 4. Turkey Creek’s petition for reconsideration and clarification filed on October 19, 2020, is granted in part and denied as moot in part, as detailed above. 5. Turkey Creek’s motion for decision filed on March 24, 2021, is denied as moot.

6/15/2021 5:42:05 PM

Motion and Notice of Withdrawal

M Todd Osterloh SR Turkey Creek, LLC

3/24/2021 4:17:57 PM

Motion for Decision

James W. Gardner SR Turkey Creek, LLC

2/15/2021 5:16:40 PM

Responses to Staffs Second Request for Information on Rehearing

M Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC


Responses to Staff's Second Request for Information on Rehearing

1/28/2021 2:21:32 PM

Data Request

1/19/2021 8:49:47 PM

Response to Staffs First Request for Information on Rehearing

M Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC


Response to Staff's First Request for Information on Rehearing

1/4/2021 8:47:24 AM

Data Request

12/22/2020 11:36:15 AM

Notice of Change of Address

M. Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC


Notice of Change of Address (Turkey Creek Solar, LLC)


Read 1st Letter

12/15/2020 4:38:10 PM

Order Entered: 1. Turkey Creek’s requests for reconsideration and clarification of the mitigation measures identified herein are granted for the purpose of conducting further investigation into those issues. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.

11/4/2020 2:53:41 PM

Motion to Strike and Modify

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

10/19/2020 4:52:30 PM

Petition for Reconsideration

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

9/23/2020 2:53:53 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. Turkey Creek's Application for a Certificate to Construct an approximately 50 MWac merchant solar electric generating facility in Garrard County, Kentucky is conditionally granted subject to full compliance with the mitigation measures and condition prescribed in Appendix A. 2. Turkey Creek's motion for deviation from the 2,000 feet setback requirement is granted except for the location of the inverters. 3. Turkey Creek shall fully comply with the mitigation measures and conditions prescribed in Appendix A.

9/22/2020 2:55:11 PM

Order Entered: 1. Turkey Creek's petition for confidential protection for the information contained in its discovery responses to Siting Board Staff's First Requests for Information, Items 2b, 5, 8, and Exhibit F is granted. 2. The designated information contained in in Turkey Creek's discovery responses to Siting Board Staff's First Requests for Information, Items 2b, 5, 8, and Exhibit F shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period or until further Order of this Siting Board. 3. Use of the material in question in any Siting Board proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Turkey Creek shall inform the Siting Board if the material in question becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment. 5. If a nonparty to this proceeding requests to inspect the material granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the material has been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Turkey Creek shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Turkey Creek is unable to make such demonstration, the requested material shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Siting Board shall deny the request for inspection.

7/27/2020 5:25:38 PM

Corrected Response to Supplemental RFI No. 1

M Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

7/24/2020 4:29:21 PM

Response to BBC Report

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

7/20/2020 3:10:22 PM

Responses to Supplemental Requests for Information

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

7/10/2020 9:20:51 AM

20200710_Letter Filing Report into the Record.pdf

7/10/2020 9:16:14 AM

20200710_Letter Filing E-mail into the Record.pdf

7/1/2020 12:44:28 PM

Data Request

6/12/2020 4:49:03 PM

Supplemental Response to Item 7c of the Siting Boards Request for Information

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC


Supplemental Response to Siting Board Request for Information Item 7c

6/12/2020 4:45:09 PM

Notice of Transfer

James W. Gardner Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

6/1/2020 10:08:15 PM

Response to First Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC


Response to BBC's First Request for Information


Response to Siting Board's First Request for Information

5/29/2020 3:29:20 PM

20200529_Chairman Schmitt Letter to Garrard County Judge Executive John Wilson Designating as Vice Chairman.pdf

5/14/2020 9:51:58 AM

Data Request

5/13/2020 10:00:23 AM

20200513_Memo Filing Procedural Schedule and Extending Deadline.pdf

4/28/2020 8:12:24 AM

20200428_Memo Filing Document.pdf

4/8/2020 3:07:01 PM

Motion for Deviation from Setback Requirements

M Todd Osterloh Turkey Creek Solar, LLC

3/31/2020 4:25:43 PM

20200331_Acknowledgement Letter of Application Fees.pdf

3/31/2020 2:27:04 PM

20200331_No Deficiency Letter.pdf

2/27/2020 10:55:37 AM

20200227_Letter Filing Chairman Schmitt Letter to Garrard County Judge Executive into the Record.pdf

2/27/2020 10:54:47 AM

20200227_Letter Filing Chairman Schmitt Letter to Governor Beshear into the Record.pdf


20200211_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Turkey Creek Solar, LLC Notice of Intent to File an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct an Approximately 50 Megawatt Merchant Electric Solar Generating Facility in Garrard County, Kentucky pursuant to KRS 278.700

20200210_Turkey Creek Solar, LLC Notice of Intent.pdf

Turkey Creek Solar, LLC Notice of Intent