Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2019-00414

Case Number:2019-00414
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:11/22/2019

Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. , Kentucky Utilities Company

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Changes in Service Territory with Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.

Case Filings
12/4/2019 10:17:43 AM

Final Order Entered: 1. KU's application for approval of the boundary change agreement between KU and Clark Energy regarding electric service to Lots 8-18 in the Stivers, Stivers and Blaser subdivision in Ford, Fayette County, Kentucky, is granted. 2. A copy of the revised U.S.G.S. topographic map of Ford, with the revisions signed by representatives of KU and Clark Energy on August 19, 2019, and September 3, 2019, respectively, attached as an Appendix to KU's application reflects the agreed-upon amended territorial boundary and the written agreement of KU and Clark Energy, and shall be attached to the Commission's official territorial boundary map. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

11/22/2019 3:54:43 PM

Application for authorization of a change in certified service territory between Kentucky Utilities Company and Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.

Rick E. Lovekamp Kentucky Utilities Company and Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.


Cover Letter

11/14/2019 9:36:49 AM

20191114_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Kentucky Utilities Company Notice of Intent to File Application for Authorization of Changes in Service Territory with Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20191113_Kentucky Utilities Company Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Kentucky Utilities Company Notice of Intent and Election