Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00208

Case Number:2018-00208
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:7/5/2018

Water Service Corporation of Kentucky

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
6/18/2019 2:59:38 PM

Order Entered: 1. The rates and charges set forth in the Appendix of this Order are approved for the water service that Water Service Kentucky renders on and after the date of this Order. 2. Within 20 days of the date of entry of this Order, Water Service Kentucky shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the TCJA reconciliation or no later than twelve months from the date of this order, Water Service Kentucky shall provide documentation including calculations verifying the amount of the true up and any resulting collection or refund. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

3/29/2019 5:03:42 PM

Certification of Responses to Data Request

M Todd Osterloh


Certification of WSCK Responses to Rehearing Data Requests

3/29/2019 4:47:23 PM

WSCK Response to Commissions Data Request on Rehearing

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Response to Commission's Data Request on Rehearing

3/27/2019 5:20:18 PM

Notice of Filing Affidavit

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


Affidavit Supporting Rate Increase


Read 1st Letter

3/15/2019 10:30:21 AM

Order Entered: 1. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part. 2. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of CIAC amortization is granted. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of proposed tariff amendments is granted. 4. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of TCJA refund reconciliation is granted. 5. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of including the correct test year period is granted to the limited extent that the sentence enumerated paragraph 1 on page 24 of the February 11, 2019 Order is amended, nunc pro tunc, as follows: "The 12-month period ending December 31, 2017, should be used as the test year to determine the reasonableness of Water Service Kentucky's current and proposed rates ." With this amendment to the February 11, 2019 Order, this issue is closed. 6. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of rate case expense for rehearing is denied. 7. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of amortization of CIAC for income tax purposes is granted. 8. Water Service Kentucky's petition for rehearing on the issue of amortization of rate case expense for income tax purposes is denied. 9. Water Service Kentucky, pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, is to file with the Commission the original and an electronic version of the information requested in the attached Appendix.

3/8/2019 9:54:42 AM

Order Entered: 1. Water Service Kentucky's petition for confidential protection for the information contained in its response to Staff's Post-Hearing Data Request, Item 5 is granted. 2. The designated materials shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the material in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. Water Service Kentucky shall inform Commission if material in question becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment. 5. If a non-party requests to inspect material granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the material has been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Water Service Kentucky shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Water Service Kentucky is unable to make such demonstration, the requested material shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection. 6. The Commission shall not make the requested material available for inspection for 30 days following an Order finding that the material no longer qualifies for confidential treatment in order to allow Water Service Kentucky to seek a remedy afforded by law.

2/27/2019 6:11:15 PM

Petition for Rehearing of Water Service Corporation of Kentucky

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


WSCK Petition for Rehearing


Read 1st Letter - Petition for Rehearing


Exhibit 1 - Appeal Workpaper

2/11/2019 3:05:41 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. Water Service Kentucky's application for an adjustment of its rates is denied as proposed. 2. The rates and charges set forth in Appendix C of this Order are approved for the water service that Water Service Kentucky renders on and after the date of this Order. 3. Within 20 days of the date of entry of this Order, Water Service Kentucky shall file with the Commission, using the Commission's electronic Tariff Filing System, revised tariff sheets setting out the rate approved herein and reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

1/18/2019 5:21:58 PM

The Attorney Generals Post-Hearing Brief

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Read1st File re: Post-Hearing Brief

1/18/2019 4:13:42 PM


M Todd Osterloh

1/17/2019 3:17:49 PM

WSCK Responses to Commission Staffs Post-Hearing Data Requests

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


WSCK Responses to Commission Staffs Post-Hearing Data Requests


Read First Letter 1/17/19

1/11/2019 5:18:30 PM

Supplemental Response to PSC DR 1-11

M Todd Osterloh


Supplemental Response to PSC 1-11 (Part 2)

1/11/2019 5:05:34 PM

WSCK Response to Attorney Generals Post Hearing Data Requests

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Verification for both Responses to Staff and AG Post Hearing Data Requests


WSCK Response to Attorney General'sPost Hearing Data Requests

1/11/2019 5:01:28 PM

WSCK Petition for Confidentiality

M Todd Osterloh

1/11/2019 4:57:00 PM

WSCK Response to Staffs Post Hearing Data Requests

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Response to Staff's Post Hearing Data Requests

12/21/2018 10:57:17 AM

Order Entered: 1. Water Service Kentucky's petitions for confidential protection for the information contained in items 3 and 9 of its response to the July 19, 2018 Order and the information contained in items 30 and 31 of its responses to Staff's Second Request is granted. 2. Water Service Kentucky's petition for confidential protection for the information contained in item 6 of its responses to Staff's Second Request is moot due to the passage of time. 3. The designated information contained in in items 3 and 9 of its response to the July 19, 2018 Order and the information contained in items 30 and 31 of its responses to Staff's Second Request shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period or until further Order of this Commission. 4. Use of the material in question in any Commission proceeding shall be in compliancewith807KAR5:001, Section13(9). Water Service Kentucky shall inform the Commission if the material in question becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment. 5. Water Service Kentucky shall inform the Commission if the material in question becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

12/20/2018 6:02:09 PM

The Attorney Generals Post-Hearing Data Request

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Post-Hearing Data Requests


The AG's Read1st File re: Post-Hearing Data Requests

12/20/2018 1:36:32 PM

Data Request

12/19/2018 2:02:03 PM

Order Entered: 1. Post-hearing data requests shall be filed in the record on or before Friday, December 21, 2018. 2. Responses to post-hearing data requests shall be filed in the record on or before January 11, 2019. 3. The parties shall file simultaneous post-hearing briefs, which shall be due on or before January 18, 2019. 4. This case shall stand submitted for decision by the Commission effective 12:01 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, on January 19, 2019.

11/30/2018 8:57:22 PM

Notice of Filing of Newspaper Publication for Hearing

M Todd Osterloh

11/28/2018 9:19:26 AM

WSCK Supplemental Response to PSC 1-11

M Todd Osterloh

11/6/2018 11:59:28 AM

Order Entered: 1. A hearing in this matter shall be held on December 19, 2018, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, at the offices of the Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Water Service Kentucky shall give notice of the hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b). In addition , the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," At the time the notice is mailed or publication is requested, Water Service Kentucky shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9) , a digital video transcript shall be made of the hearing. 4. Water Service Kentucky will not implement its rates subject to refund before February 12, 2019. 5. Ordering paragraph 1 of the Commission's July 19, 2018 Order is amended to read: The proposed rates set forth in Water Service Kentucky's application are suspended for five months from August 6, 2018, up to and including January 6, 2019.

11/5/2018 12:32:43 PM

Supplement to Motion to Reschedule

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Supplement to Motion to Reschedule Hearing

11/5/2018 10:31:16 AM

Motion to Reschedule the Evidentiary Hearing

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Motion to Reschedule the Evidentiary Hearing

11/4/2018 10:09:43 AM

Supplemental Response to PSC 1-11

M Todd Osterloh

11/2/2018 2:44:32 PM

20181102_PSC IC Memo.pdf

10/29/2018 4:04:27 PM

Notice of Informal Conference

10/29/2018 3:56:41 PM

Corrected Response to Commission Staffs DR 3-4

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Corrected Response to Commission Staff's DR 3-4

10/26/2018 4:02:03 PM

Notice of Publication

M Todd Osterloh

10/26/2018 3:46:30 PM

Corrected Response to Staff DR 2-4 and 3-1, 15, 18

M Todd Osterloh


WSCK Corrected Response to Staff DR 2-4


WSCK Corrected Response to Staff DR 3-1, 15, 18

10/26/2018 3:43:16 PM

Supplemental Response to PSC DR 1-11

M Todd Osterloh

10/25/2018 3:39:35 PM

Motion for Conference

M Todd Osterloh

10/22/2018 3:17:42 PM

Order Entered: 1. The motion to intervene filed by Clinton is denied. 2. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

10/8/2018 2:41:23 PM

WSCK Notice of Request for Publication

M Todd Osterloh

9/26/2018 1:25:32 PM

Supplemental Response to PSC DR 1-11


Read1st Response

10/3/2018 11:08:42 AM

Order Entered: 1. A hearing in this matter shall be held on November 7, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, at the offices of the Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky. 2. Water Service Corporation of Kentucky (Water Service Kentucky) shall give notice of the hearing in compliance with 807 KAR 5:00 , Section 9(2)(b). In addition, the notice of hearing shall include the following statement: "This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," At the time the notice is mailed or publication is requested, Water Service Kentucky shall forward a duplicate of the notice and request to the Commission. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9), a digital video transcript shall be made of the hearing.

9/28/2018 4:00:04 PM

City of Clinton Motion to Intervene

9/26/2018 1:25:32 PM

Supplemental Response to PSC DR 1-11

M Todd Osterloh

9/21/2018 5:06:55 PM

Response to Attorney Generals Second Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh


Certification of WSCK Responses to Staff's Third Request and OAG's Second Request


Response to Attorney General's Second Request for Information

9/21/2018 5:01:58 PM

Response to Staffs Third Request for Information

M Todd Osterloh


Response to Staff's Third Request for Information

9/10/2018 5:39:40 PM

The Attorney Generals Supplemental Data Requests

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Read1st file re: Supplemental Data Requests


The AG's Supplemental Data Requests

9/10/2018 3:12:18 PM

Data Request

8/30/2018 2:04:15 PM

Order Entered: 1. Case No. 2018-00043 is consolidated into Case No. 2018-00208, and all issues raised in Case No. 2018-00043 shall be adjudicated in Case No. 2018-00208. 2. The record of Case No. 2018-00043 is incorporated by reference into Case No. 2018-00208. 3. Case No. 2018-00043 is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

8/29/2018 1:40:23 PM

WSCK Supplemental Response to PSC DR 1-11

M Todd Osterloh

8/28/2018 10:06:48 PM

WSCK Response to PSC Staff DR2

M Todd Osterloh


Response to PSC DR 2-13 (Lower Cost vs Market)


Response to DR 2-17 (WSC Kentucky - 2018 Historical TYE 2017 Analysis - FINAL V23 (April Tax Update)

8/28/2018 9:08:29 PM

WSCK Response to OAGs First Information Request

M Todd Osterloh


Response to OAG First Information Request

8/28/2018 8:55:56 PM

WSCK Supplemental Response to PSC 1-13

M Todd Osterloh


Excel File Supporting Supplemental Response to PSC 1-13

8/28/2018 3:26:42 PM

Order Entered: 1. Water Service Kentucky's Motion for Deviation from 807 KAR 5:011, Section 17(1 )(b), is granted. 2. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

8/20/2018 1:42:17 PM

Motion for Deviation from 807 KAR 5:011, Section 17(1)(b)

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


Read 1st Letter - Motion for Deviation

8/14/2018 6:04:23 PM

The Attorney Generals Initial Data Requests

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Read1st File re: Initial Data Requests


The AG's Initial Data Requests

8/13/2018 10:06:18 AM

Data Request

7/30/2018 12:13:08 PM

The Attorney Generals Email Service Response to Commissions Order

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Email Service Response


The AG's Read1st File re: Email Service Response

7/30/2018 10:20:37 AM

Order Entered: 1. The motion of the Attorney General to intervene is granted. 2. The Attorney General shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with fi led testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. The Attorney General shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulations, 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8, related to the service and electronic filing of documents. 4. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8(9), within seven days of entry of this Order, the Attorney General shall file a written statement with the Commission that: a. Certifies that it or its agent possesses the facilities to receive electronic transmissions; and b. Sets forth the electronic mail address to which all electronic notices and messages related to this proceeding should be served.

7/27/2018 5:53:59 PM

Petition for Confidentiality

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


Read First Letter

7/27/2018 5:47:04 PM

Response to Commissions Order dated July 19, 2018

M. Todd Osterloh Water Service Corporation of Kentucky


Read First Letter


Certification of Responses


Staff DR 1.1 - Consumption


Staff DR 1.13 - Employees Salary and Benefits Studies - CONFIDENTIAL


Staff DR 1.13 - Lower Cost vs. Market


Staff DR 1.26 - 2017 WSC Monthly Invoices


Staff DR 1.29 - Cost of Service Study


Staff DR 1.3 - Filing Template


Staff DR 1.6 - General Ledger


Staff DR 1.7 - Disbursements


Staff DR 1.9 - Salary Information - REDACTED


WSCK Responses to Commission's Order dated July 19, 2018

7/26/2018 10:40:24 AM

Notice of Filing of Newspaper Certificates of Publication

M Todd Osterloh

7/25/2018 3:45:45 PM

The Attorney Generals Motion to Intervene

Justin M. McNeil Office of the Attorney General


The AG's Motion to Intervene


The AG's Read1st File re: Motion to Intervene

7/19/2018 9:21:58 AM

Order Entered: 1. The proposed rates set forth in Water Service Kentucky's application are suspended for five months from August 6, 2018, up to and including January 7, 2019. 2. The procedural schedule set forth in Appendix A to this Order shall be followed. 3. The information requested herein is due on or before July 27, 2018. a. Responses to requests for information in paper medium shall be appropriately bound, tabbed, and indexed and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with an original in paper medium and an electronic version to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. Any party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails to furnish all or part of requested information that party shall provide a written explanation of specific grounds for failure to completely and precisely respond.

7/16/2018 4:18:43 PM

20180716_PSC No Deficiency Letter.pdf

7/10/2018 2:06:44 PM

20180710_PSC Letter Filing Document into the Record.pdf

7/5/2018 4:22:57 PM


M Todd Osterloh

6/22/2018 2:31:43 PM

20180622_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf


Water Service Corporation of Kentucky Notice of Intent to File Purchased Water Adjustment Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20180622_Water Service Corporation of Kentucky Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Water Service Corporation of Kentucky Notice of Intent and Election