COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ~ * 0 * * In the Matter of: ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF SAIT RIVER RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION ) ) CASE NO. 8778 ) 0 R D E R October 24, 1983, the Public Service Commission ( Commission" ) entered an Order in Case No. 8778 wherein it adjusted the rates charged by Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation {"Salt River" ) for service rendered on and after October 5, 1983. Salt River notified the Commission by letter dated
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Case Number:19008778
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Filing Date:1983*
Company Not Assigned
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*Case Filing Year is approximate
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COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ~ * 0 * * In the Matter of: ADJUSTMENT OF RATES OF SAIT RIVER RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION ) ) CASE NO. 8778 ) 0 R D E R October 24, 1983, the Public Service Commission ( Commission" ) entered an Order in Case No. 8778 wherein it adjusted the rates charged by Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation {"Salt River" ) for service rendered on and after October 5, 1983. Salt River notified the Commission by letter dated
COMMONWEAL.TH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of THE APPLICATION OF SALT RIVER ) RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ) CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER ) AUTHORIZING IT TO ADJUST ITS ) RETAIL ELECTRIC RATES ) CASE MO. 8778 ~ 0 R D E R On May 16, 1983, Owens-Illinois, Inc., by counsel, filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene. The Commission„ having considered the Notion and being advised, HEREBY ORDERS that the Notion of Ovens-Illinois, Inc., be and it hereby is sustained. Done at Fra
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of RATE ADJUSTMENT OF SALT ) RIVER RURAL ELECTRIC ) CASE NO. 8778 COOPERATIVE CORPORATION ) 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED That Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation shall file an original and eight copies of the following information with the Commission by May 5, 1983: Exhibits H,L,P,Q,R,S,T,U,l, and ll referred to in Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That in the event the above information is not timely filed, th