View Case Filings for: 19008425
Service Type:
Filing Date:1982*
Company Not Assigned
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*Case Filing Year is approximate
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aCOMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBI IC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of APPLICATION OF MOUNTAIN UTILITIES, INC. FOR RATE INCREASE AND AUTHORITY TO BORROW AMOUNTS TO APPLY ON ITS CURRENT INDEBTED- NESS CASE NO. 8425 0 R D E R On February 2, 1982, Kentucky Vest Virginia Gas Company, by counsel, filed its Notion for Leave to Intervene in the above case ~ The Commission, having considered the Motion and being advised, HEREBY ORDERS that said Notion be and it hereby is sustained. Done at Fra
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMNISSION In the Matter of: APPLICATION OF MOUNTAIN UTILITIES, INC. FOR RATE INCREASE AND AUTHORITY TO SORROW AMOUNTS TO APPLY ON ITS CURRENT INDEBTED- NESS ))) CASE NO. 8425))) ORDER IT IS ORDERED that Mountain Utili.ties, Inc. shall file an original and ten copies of the following information with the Commission (with a copy to all parties of record) by January 29, 1982: l. A complete breakdown with full explanation of each pro forma adjustme