COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: AN EXAMINATION BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE ) COMMISSION OF THE APPLICATION OF THE ) FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE OF GRAYSON ) RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION ) FROM NOVEMBER 1, 1982 TO APRIL 30, 1983) CASE NO. 8601-A O R D E R Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1( ll), the Public Service Commission HEREBY ORDERS that Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation ("Grayson" ) shall give proper legal notice to its customer
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OF THE ELAM UTILITY COMPANY FOR PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENT GF RATES 0 R D E R ) ) CASE NO. 7601-A ) On January 9, 1980, the Commission issued an Interim Order in Case No. 7601 approving certain adjustments in rates and pro- viding under certain conditions for the further adjustment of such rates when the wholesale cost of gas is increased or decreased. On January 22, 1980, the Applicant, Elam Utility